Website remake: Nemoy - Helsingin Neuroterapia Oy

Website remake: Nemoy - Helsingin Neuroterapia Oy was one of my first customers back in 2015. The previous full remake was done by myself back in 2016, built on WordPress and a custom made theme. I'm happy that I could help with this one too.

Visit Nemoy:

Backend and frontend UX is key to a happy, well served customer

The most important thing is for the people in need to find help that Nemoy provides. With well designed content management, the staff of Nemoy can spend more time focusing on their business - helping people.

Frontend UI was designed by Pasi Turkka (Drumsö Brand Machine). Backend UI (CMS) is designed by me, and it utilizes ACF Pro plugin and its features.


I'm quite pleased on the overall performance of the site. High scores are due to well structured and optimized code, a good hosting and efficient caching.


Desktop performance is quite on point. Does not pay the bills to go after that 4p.


To increase mobile performance, images should be optimized for mobile devices.

Tech stack

These were the key elements of the renovated

UI techs

  • Tailwind.css (inc. aspect-ratio, forms and typography  plugins)
  • Alpine.js
  • Glightbox
  • Cookie Consent (vanilla-cookieconsent)

Theme techs (those worth mentioning)

  • ACF Pro with local-json for version control
  • Optimized script loading order for faster page loading speeds
  • Lazy loading technique for all the pre-defined images (backgrounds etc...)


I'm a strong bliever of less is more philosophy what comes to plugins. utilizes total of 12 plugins, including import tools, classic editor and widgets, Yoast SEO and image optimization plugins to mention a few.

I highly recommend investing into no-plugins "paradigm".


There were no reasons to change the hosting platform as the site runs on Seravo's premium level WordPress hosting service. Some housekeeping was in place though, as some of the old plugins left quite a mess to the filesystem even after removing them.

How much should a company invest into a WordPress site like this?

Less than 2,5k's is not enough - over 3,5k€ is too much. It takes some ~30-40hrs excluding the UI desgin process from a seasoned WP-developer such as myself to build this kind of site. With a less experienced developer it might take over 100hrs or even more.

3000€ / 35h = ~85€/h.

Price includes the tech support and -service after going live.

Keynotes - What can a company acchieve by investing into a full and well designed website remake?

  • Technical advantage that increases performance that saves time
  • When functionality is custom built for a need, margin for errors decreases
  • Website is less prone to cyberattacks the less it utilzies plugins with lots of power over the server and filesystem
  • Adapting new features is essentially easier after the groundwork has been established well
  • Un-restricted branding can only be acchieved by custom code
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